What I'd like for PyGTA (Sugar and the One Laptop per Child introduction)

What I'd really like to see for Tuesday would be a local Sugar developer dropping in to give the PyGTA-ers an introduction to the project, both as something to use to develop applications for the project and along the lines of "how do I get involved" or "where is work needed".

However, the guys on IRC didn't know of anyone in town. I'm checking to see if there are materials available to do a bit of a crash course myself before Tuesday, but I'm not likely going to have time to do that given the PyOpenGL needs a release tomorrow evening.

Speaking of that, lots of work on PyOpenGL (OpenGL-ctypes) this weekend. Working on getting full OpenGL 2.0 support, up to OpenGL 1.3 now. I am, however, up far too late, so I'm going to put the puppy in his little nest and head off to sleep.


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