Archives Nov. 3, 2005
On Counting (Example strikes me as "off"...)
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Design Theory.
Okay, this is getting into pure epistomology more than design epistomology, but it's something that's disturbing me as I read. Basically, Dicker's summary of Kant is trying to build up the central argument I described a few posts ago, namely that based on our perceptions of reality we can understand how it is that we ...
Happy I did the extra hour last night (I've run out of steam for the VoIP project this week)
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I did an extra hour of work last night after getting back from Linux Caffe. That means I'm now done for the day (and week). The 9 billable hours/day target gets a little draining. Right about now I just want to curl up and let my hands do nothing for a year or two.
On ...!-->!-->