Archives Oct. 23, 2008

Is "Boredom" Instinctual?

A few days ago one of my colleagues mentioned a scholarly article he'd read the night before.  Researchers were attempting to show a genetic link for thrill-seeking (novelty-seeking) behaviour with some success.  That is, for their definition of "novelty-seeking" they seemed to have discovered a relationship between (IIRC a particular gene) and the behaviour in ...

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PyGTA Tonight: You got Python in my XML!

How would you merge large quantities of Python-accessible information into a pre-existing set of XML documents.  This approach combined lxml.etree (ElementTree) with Kid templates (based on ElementTree) to efficiently annotate a large tree of documents.  We'll look at how to use ElementTree (and how to use the query mechanism in lxml's implementation to search your ...

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