Archives March 14, 2011

Convert nosetests xml to html (hack)

Want to see the output of your nosetests run in a format that you can hand to someone non-technical (who doesn't mind it being ugly)?  Here's a little script to convert the result of nosetests --with-xunit to an ugly, but functional HTML file.  I can't say I really see this as a long-term solution, as ...

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PyPy hits 3x speed (or 1/12th, or 2.5x depending on the sign-post)

Another day playing with PyPy. First up was a pleasant surprise in that the 2x slowdown reduced with the currently nightly build[1], bringing performance up from 40,000cps to ~60,000cps.

After that, applied a micro-optimization that got me about a 6% speedup; I eliminated the use of a state "struct object" (object that just used regular ...

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March 16, 2011
