Cool! It got accepted! (All those nights tossing and turning were not for nought...)

My proposal for a 45 minute PyCon presentation was accepted (I guess the key was giving up hope). Yay! I'm thinking I'll make the presentation much livelier than last year's... even if the message is quite similar (avoid introducing spurious magic).

Now I'm all excited and can't sit at my desk. Luckily I have some errands I can run (though I have to be back in a couple of hours so I can be available for a meeting with Stephen).



  1. Blake Winton

    Blake Winton on 01/20/2005 2:08 p.m. #

    Feel free to test out your presentation at PyGTA. (I really enjoyed your last presentation there.)

  2. Mike Fletcher

    Mike Fletcher on 01/20/2005 2:25 p.m. #

    Actually, this is a re-worked version of that presentation, with a lot of the introductory material cut out and focus *solely* on descriptors (i.e. no other "new in Python 2.2+" features described).<br />
    <br />
    I'm actually kinda excited about the presentation next week. Discovering that the University of Toronto now has a noticable Python community is very exciting (Waterloo is cool, of course, being my alma mata (sp?), but it's a long way away, so we don't get to see many of them (except Stefan (sp?), of course)).

  3. Mike Fletcher

    Mike Fletcher on 01/20/2005 2:30 p.m. #

    Oh, minor correction, it's a 30 minute presentation slot, not a 45 minute one.

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