Archives Sept. 25, 2004
Finally solved that pesky keyboard malfunction (And along the way, got my .xinitrc working...)
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Have been having quite a few screaming sessions with the computer over it's insistence on entering a chording-key-entry mode every time I press the control and shift keys together (which I do all the time while editing). Took almost three hours this evening, but I finally tracked down the problem and fixed it.
Turns out ...
Trust the simple, general libraries (Don't trust the one-off stuff written for a particular project...)
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Spent quite a few hours today doing debugging on the Mock CMTS code, in the end, it was all bugs in the shims that short-circuit around TwistedSNMP for the testing environment, but I spent far too long spelunking through the code on either side of it (the ping-scanner, which has been running for months, and ...