PyOpenGL 3.1.0 final is out

After far too long, and way more changes than originally intended, PyOpenGL 3.1.0 final is now out. The big changes are:

  • Generation of wrappers is substantially more automatic and based on Khronos source-files with annotations from the Chromium/regal project
  • Common code-base for Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4, Python 2.5 is no longer supported, 2to3 is no longer used
  • Better isolation and pervasive lazy-loading behavior to prevent loading unused libraries (e.g. GLUT in non-GLUT contexts or GLES in OpenGL contexts)
  • Automated wrappers now (generally) allow passing in output arrays *or* having them generated
  • Experimental support for GLES and EGL
  • Many bug-fixes and minor improvements
  • This release should be largely compatible with anything that worked with 3.0.2 as long as that code didn't poke around in the internals of PyOpenGL too much.  The structure of the package has changed significantly in order to allow for loading e.g. GLES or GL without loading the other APIs, and to make the code less GL-arrogant (i.e. to make ES a more-or-less-equal api).

    To install:

    pip install PyOpenGL PyOpenGL_accelerate

    Docs, more detailed installation instructions, etc are on the PyOpenGL Homepage


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