Archives October 2018

Yay, django 1.11 broken frozen/pyc migrations again

So somehow Django stopped being able to support .pyc files as migrations between our last builds with 1.11.lower and the current builds with 1.11.higher. Frozen environments use these to distribute just the .pyc (no source)... but somehow this got reverted because. But how did it get reverted in Django 1.11 (LTS) branch? Apparently it will ...

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Trying out raw Debian on an old Laptop

So I was given an old Celeron M laptop (XP era, 500MB RAM) and decided to try Debian Stretch out on it. The default Debian netinst installer does NOT include proprietary wireless firmware packages... seriously? Practicality needs to beat purity there. The machine can't boot from USB, and my very last CD-R was used up ...

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