Writer's block masquerading as zest for coding (Will not give in yet...)

Been spending most of the day on thesis work. Wound up doing an hour of work-work too since the customer needed it. All through the day as I've been writing I've been having the itch to drop writing and code on OpenGL-ctypes. It's a feeling I haven't had in a long while, basically just means that I'm dealing with a very complex issue where picking a starting point always means leaving something until far too late in the discussion.

Anyway, I'm working on the discussion of complexity and depth. It's one of the most fun areas of the thesis, though I suppose "Play" has the most fun. Basically it explores the effect that the unknown (in all its forms) has on our perception of an environment. This is depth in the sense of looking into deep water and losing the light in the murky water as well.

Obviously this post is also just my mind trying to get away from being pinned down on the topic... slippery little grey sucker...


  1. Steve Holden

    Steve Holden on 01/07/2006 6:36 a.m. #

    When I have coding to do, writing seems more attractive. When I have writing to do, I'd rather code. Sound familiar? The C2 Wiki has a page on <a href="http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?DisplacementActivity">displacement activity</a>. The mind is indeed slippery.

  2. Mike Fletcher

    Mike Fletcher on 01/07/2006 9:09 a.m. #

    Look! It's Steve! If I can just get him to engage me in conversation then I'll have the perfect excuse not to start working on the thesis this morning...<br />
    <br />
    Open Source coding has all the features, especially that ability to lie to yourself about how useful it is to the world. Just imagine how many theses and science fiction novels have died to bring us the Open Source movement. Awesome in a way.

  3. Steve Holden

    Steve Holden on 12/01/2006 4:50 a.m. #

    Now I am safe from accusations that I encouraged you to evade that particular task (though doubtless there are other tasks this can distract you from), I'll just observe that at least 50% of the theses that are written serve only to gain a qualification for the writer, and otherwise have little merit. So the open source movement might actually represent a net win, depressing though that thought might be ...<br />
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    Have a nice day!<br />

  4. Mike Fletcher

    Mike Fletcher on 12/01/2006 10:21 a.m. #

    Agreed. In fact, just last night, as I was waiting for the billing run to start I was poking around Wikipedia looking for some way to turn my thesis into a tool that might be useful and available. The original thesis was intended to be a textbook or introductory course for a first year design student, something along that line and available to the world would be very cool. I'm considering trying to integrate it into Wikiversity. It would be fun :) . Nice thing is that the content might show up on the OLPC project some day, tying it all back into Open Source.<br />
    <br />
    For today, though, this silly "get food on the table" thing must be done. Naughty Steve trying to distract me...

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