Things were going on, I just wasn't invited yet (Poetry evening at Aleck's, then dropped in on Simon...)

I got a last-minute invite from Michelle to go to Aleck's poetry evening. Was all people I know, save for two friends of Aleck. Hadn't seen Golnar or Shadie in ages, it's even been a while for Kathryn.

Anyway, turns out the evening wasn't really about reading one's own poetry, it was more about reading great poets. Oh well, read a few of my scribblings anyway :) .

We arrived at Simon's place (which is way out in the East end) just as everyone was heading out the door. I figured as much would happen, but didn't want Michelle wandering about an unfamiliar part of the city alone in the middle of the night with no-one to talk to just to turn around at the door. Simon and Leigh were gracious enough to sit up for an hour or so more, but Simon's leaving the country tomorrow, so we headed home eventually.

Walked over from Yonge in the snow. On the side streets, out of the wind, I stared up into the huge flakes of snow... Canada can be primal and beautiful.


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