Looks like we'll have an XO for the talk on Tuesday (Tentatively present...)

We have a tentative booking to have an XO (OLPC laptop) at the PyGTA presentation on Tuesday. I'm also going to try to get some time to both cut down and defragment the image so that it doesn't take as much disk space (I'd like to get it down to 2GB within the image and not much more than that in the disk-image files). There are currently 3 other seeders for the v1 image, so at least people aren't being held back by the pitiful upstream here any more.

Had a report from a Mac user that the image didn't work for him on the Beta of VMWare for Mac, but it seems he may have been trying to run the compressed image (tar.gz file) as a disk file, rather than uncompressing and then running. Would be nice to have someone else check the decompressed image on Mac.

Trying to collect resources for developers, things that people developing activities have found useful, patterns that have worked well, patterns that haven't worked well, that kind of thing.


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