Archives week 2 of 2007

Jan. 8, 2007 - Jan. 14, 2007

PyGTA presentation on ctypes this Tuesday (Special sneak preview for the PyCon presentation...)

I'll be presenting ctypes this Tuesday at PyGTA. We have considerably longer at PyGTA than I will at PyCon, so we'll be able to go into more depth than we will in Texas. We're going to look at when/where/why and try to get into some of the how, time permitting.

As usual, we'll meet at ...

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Flight booked but no red-eyes (Have to leave a bit early on the last sprint day)

Couldn't find a late flight out on the 1st, so I'll have to leave around 1 or 2pm to get to the 5:35pm flight (depending on how far the airport is commute-wise). Should get in fairly early on the 22nd, though, probably get to the hotel around 1pm.

Whatever happened to the red-eye flights? Check ...

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