Archives week 3 of 2007

Jan. 15, 2007 - Jan. 21, 2007

Just about ready for a new PyOpenGL release (About time...)

Spent today on PyOpenGL. Got the nurbs code working for most of the demos. Cleaned up the GLU module implementation as I was doing that. Started work on the documentation, first updating the main page and then beginning work on the auto-generated documentation.

Good news is that the documentation generation process no longer requires so ...

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I like my father (Loving the Universe...)

Dad has a great post up from a few days ago.

Whiskered warrior
No, say defender
Facing dark forces
On unkempt walls
Holding off demons
With soft words
Of hard wisdom
As the day fades

Fighting darkness
With each word
Hoping light
Will carry on
Without him
That his battle
Will help someone
See the ...

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Refactoring fatigue setting in (Upgrade scripts making me sick...)

I'm continuing to refactor the ISP/VoIP billing system as I add new features. Spent most of today working on a state-table based sub-system... sometime around 11pm I started writing yet another upgrade script (in the infinite series of upgrades scripts that is my life) and realised I should just back off half the changes again. ...

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I get to work at Linux Caffe today! (Yay!)

Have been working at home all month, so haven't been able to get down yet. Today, however, yay! Of course, I was up until 4am last night, so a bit slow off the mark. Oh well, a few hours of collegial atmosphere will do me good before PyGTA.

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