Archives Feb. 15, 2008
Sucky things Suck (Enough with the suckage...)
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No more posts today about things that suck.
I'm married to a wonderful woman. I have a whole new world of exciting opportunities opening out in front of me. I have a family full of good people. Every once in a while I get to pat a puppy or two. I get to hang out ...
Comment Spammers Suck (I know, I know, they don't read this...)
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Dang comment spammers keep pounding the blog here with their auto-generated garbage. Looks like they just have a series of scripts that are creating garbage web-sites on free hosting services then comment spamming blogs to drive up the page rank of the free pages. Would be nice to add the spam-checks on the submit page ...
Documenting Broken things Sucks (You know it's going away...)
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Young Coders.
Finishing the tutorial handout draft (only 17 pages at the moment)... or at least, I would be if I weren't obsessing about the wasted effort of documenting the current Telepathy API access. Fact is, it's just plain broken under current OLPCGames. It's just way too fragile to have new devs having to know which thread ...
Don't upgrade Dovecot when you're busy (Server configuration completely changed...)
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Told Gentoo on the server/workstation to update itself last night, got a shiny new KDE out of it (latest stable 3.x), but it also upgraded Dovecot (the imap server I use). Last little message from the upgrade's set of messages was to the effect of "Dovecot's configuration has completely changed, we encourage you to start ...