PyOpenGL is Offline (DMCA takedown notice...)

For those asking, yes, PyOpenGL has disappeared from SourceForge. Gentleman sent a DMCA notice thinking that gle32.dll was his, it is actually just a compiled version of the (BSD licensed) GLE library for Win32. I've sent in a DMCA Notification Response, and the gentleman who issued the initial request has asked for them to rescind it. Hopefully the project will come back online sometime soon-ish.


  1. Rene Dudfield

    Rene Dudfield on 03/04/2008 9:14 p.m. #

    Wow. That's really bad.<br />
    <br />
    Time to move it somewhere else?

  2. Mike Fletcher

    Mike Fletcher on 03/05/2008 6:08 a.m. #

    Would have happened with any ISP in the USA, DMCA is pretty widespread down there. It's back up now, btw.

  3. Rene Dudfield

    Rene Dudfield on 03/05/2008 5:40 p.m. #

    <br />
    cvs is down quite a lot on sf (like now). Also the website is often really slow.<br />
    <br />
    I could ask the lovely people at who do a wonderful job of hosting ? Maybe just moving to their svn, and website hosting to start with?<br />
    <br />

  4. Mike Fletcher

    Mike Fletcher on 03/07/2008 7:14 a.m. #

    I'd personally find it easier to stay on SF, given that almost everything else I develop is on SF already.

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