Archives April 23, 2009

Luck o' the Draw @ World Plone Day

Headed downtown yesterday to check out World Plone Day (Toronto).  Had an interesting discussion with a gentleman I've met before who works in a non-profit that does local-driven training programs where they use Plone to manage their (large) community that is, in essence, a huge tree of conversations/blogs that may need to propagate up to ...

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A Good Day

Opaque, transparent and select (with colours, not select mode) rendering are now all working in the new renderer.  That was more than I was expecting to get done today.  I should likely work on occlusion/frustum queries next (should be fairly easy, Shapes already have queries to check against the frustum and/or do occlusion queries).  The ...

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April 21, 2009

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April 24, 2009
