Archives Sept. 24, 2009

ToscaWidgets JQuery and Flot Plotting (Tutorialish-ly)

Continuing on from our previous tutorial, here's a quick example showing how to create a Flot plotting library plot using tw.jquery's FlotWidget class.  In our controller module, we'll import the widget and some support functions:

from tw.jquery import FlotWidget
from math import sin,cos
import simplejson

The FlotWidget is part of the core tw.jquery support, ...

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Wrapping JQuery plugins for ToscaWidgets/TurboGears

Continuing my explorations of JQuery + TurboGears today, I started working on a simple RTE-light wrapper widget.  RTE-light is an extremely small, simple analogue to TinyMCE, so I figured it would be easy to set it up with the tw.tinymce project as reference.

There's a paster script to auto-start a widget project, so that went ...

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I forget how advanced TurboGears 2.0 is, sometimes

I wanted to code up a single-form application for updating/editing the PyGTA events.  Since it runs on Vex and I didn't want to bother them with setting up per-user WSGIs or TurboGears for me (they do give me the space free, after all), I went with bald CGI.


I've written very large CGI-only systems ...

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Sept. 17, 2009

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Sept. 26, 2009
