Author archives: Mike

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DRM Names for EGL Enumerated Devices

So it turns out that there's an extension for getting the DRM name for an EGL queried device that seems to work on Ubuntu 19.10. With that it should be relatively easy to target an off-screen render to a particular device. (The extension allows `eglQueryDeviceStringEXT` to respond to `EGL_DRM_DEVICE_FILE_EXT`). Happy New Year all.

RunSnakeRun for Python3 Out

So I finally pushed out the Python3/wxPython Pheonix compatible release of RunSnakeRun. The Python3 version has to run Python2 in order to load Python2 pstats dumps, and Meliae doesn't AFAIK support Python3 yet, so I expect I'll just drop support for it eventually. The code is now living on GitHub rather than Launchpad.

Seems SimpleParse needs work for 3.8

So as I work through all the OpenGLContext projects to get automatic (or near automatic) releasing, SimpleParse wound up failing on the 3.x branches with a weird xml test failure. But with Python 3.8 the C code just won't import at all. Seems there was a change in Python 3.8 where it does a load-time ...

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PyOpenGL 3.1.4 is Out

So I just went ahead and pulled the trigger on getting PyOpenGL and PyOpenGL Accelerate 3.1.4 out the door. Really, there is little that has changed in PyOpenGL, save that I'm actually doing a final (non alpha/beta/rc) release. The last final release having been about 5.5 years ago if PyPI history is to be believed(!) ...

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Updating PyOpenGL Sample Code References

Continuing to prepare for a PyOpenGL 3.1.4 release.

I've worked through getting the auto-generated reference documentation updated. We now use the upstream git repository for the docbook base files (gl, glu and glx) while still using the legacy files for glut and gle.

I've had to disable the sample-source projects still using SourceForge CVS, as ...

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Getting Twitch out the Door (but not as Twitch)

As part of trying to get testing done for a PyOpenGL release, I finally got around to testing Twitch, porting it to Python 3.6 and doing a release, only to discover that in the 4 years (!) since I last worked on it, the original package name got used on PyPI. Duh. So Twitch is ...

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Protocol Buffer Definitions in Packages

For my future reference, and for anyone who happens to hit this as they start into protocol buffering where you want to have the protocol definitions as part of your packages.

The protocol buffer compiler uses relative path names from the directory you specify with '-I' to the directory where the .proto files are to ...

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Lessons from Implementing from Scratch

So the last two days I was sprinting at PyCon CA. My original intent was to investigate tools for formalizing experiments with machine learning and reinforcement learning in particular. What we started with (and in the end, ended with) was a kind of "implement reinforcement (Deep Q) learning from scratch" project, where we tried to ...

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Yay, django 1.11 broken frozen/pyc migrations again

So somehow Django stopped being able to support .pyc files as migrations between our last builds with 1.11.lower and the current builds with 1.11.higher. Frozen environments use these to distribute just the .pyc (no source)... but somehow this got reverted because. But how did it get reverted in Django 1.11 (LTS) branch? Apparently it will ...

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Trying out raw Debian on an old Laptop

So I was given an old Celeron M laptop (XP era, 500MB RAM) and decided to try Debian Stretch out on it. The default Debian netinst installer does NOT include proprietary wireless firmware packages... seriously? Practicality needs to beat purity there. The machine can't boot from USB, and my very last CD-R was used up ...

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