Category archives: Design Theory

Discussions of Design Epistemology or more generally thoughts about design.

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Crashing through to the end of chapter 1 (Getting to the point where I need to print it out...)

Couldn't bring myself to work on programming stuff again tonight. Instead I sat down and forced myself to write the rest of chapter one. That takes me to the end of the section on perception. The text is still quite rough, but it covers the major points that need to be covered.

I'm finding trying ...

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Reworking the Perception Section (Rewrite long overdue...)

Finally got around to working on the rewrite for the rough draft I bashed out a month ago (or so). Considerably longer now. Am in the middle of the section exploring heightening/leveling and learning. Anyway, due to various interruptions where the other job poked in I'm not ready to publish that yet, but I need ...

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Sebeok's Introduction to Semiotics (Subway reading...)

Kind of freaky reading this book. The overlap with everything else is so large that at one point I almost put the book down with a "well, you know, if they'd thought about the implications of Kant this all would have been obvious, why didn't they just read Kant"... a few pages later the author ...

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On Goodness and Desire (Talk by Boyle and Lavin @ U of T)

Boyle and Lavin are attempting to address a fairly simple question, regarding whether all desires must wear the “guise of the good”:

Can a rational being desire that which it sees as “bad”?

Or, if you prefer:

Can we want something without seeing it as “good”?

Now, Boyle and Lavin note that until recently, the ...

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I feel like designing something today (Maybe it's just a graphic hangover from last night...)

I was doing quick mock-ups of the new product design last night. Nothing fancy, just throwing some text on a piece of paper to give investors an idea of that in which they'd be investing. But now my fingers... well, more my mind, actually... is itching to design something substantial.

What I should do, of ...

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Discussing ideas (I need sounding boards...)

Was talking to <elided> this evening (no, I didn't call, she did), and it reminded me that I really need to get some people with whom to discuss design theory. There's a couple of philosophy lectures tomorrow afternoon that I think I'll drop into. Maybe there will be someone interested there.

Going to visit grams ...

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Finishing off Dicker's Kant (Quiet Saturday of napping...)

Since Rosey's original date for her party was tonight, and most people were off playing at Simon's, I didn't have a coffee night tonight. I also did nothing particularly productive (except sleeping).

I'm trying to finish off the "Kant's Theory of Knowledge" book, but the argument being presented now seems... pointless. Dicker even introduced it ...

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Computers are just distractions (Should have been reading this afternoon)

My plan for today was: write a few pages, then spend the afternoon reading on Kant. It's always difficult getting past that first comma in a list. I've been running through the 10 or 15 different news sources that I normally try to keep up with, but which lately I've been slacking off on. Not ...

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Perceptual Fields (and the neurological basis of thought...)

Better to plow through and write something that needs to be rewritten a few times than spend forever wondering how you plan to write it. In that vein, I've just ploughed through on the perception discussion. It's very rough, but at least the log-jam appears to have partially broken. I decided to start, as the ...

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