Archives March 2004

Patience sparrow, trust the code (If I'd just waited it would have been a less critical error...)

I'd forgotten that the manager process actually terminates hung scanning processes after a given period. Doesn't help with fixing the bug, but does at least mean the scanner can keep scanning everything else... though with a multi-hour glottal stop in the middle :( . The real thing it proves is that it's just scanning the ...

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Ach, overslept! (Well, more like just couldn't get up...)

Wound up popping up and down for the first few hours of trying to sleep trying out new approaches to solving hanging problem. By the time noon came around I just couldn't get up (back, mostly, but the hands are trashed too). Last few hours of sleeping was all nightmares. Blah. Oh well, day is ...

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Still no reservation... (Herding programmers and cats)

Realised that I couldn't book without first confirming with Shane that we're not going to try to find a place with triple-occupancy allowed. I'm seriously considering the hostel on the PyConForCheap page. It's almost the same price as splitting a $100/night room 3 ways, and I don't really need much from my hotel, just a ...

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Think I need to take a real break (Writing blogs as I watch the scanner stall isn't helping...)

Obviously I'm just missing something obvious. Wish Lawrence didn't have a guest tonight so I could go get a snack, or even go on a walk. Though I already walked quite a bit today. Should work on the metaclass presentation... or more critically, rent a hotel room for PyCon!

Randian versus Liberal views in Programming (Joey points out debate+followup regarding the ethics of Open Source)

Back when I was in high-school, our "extended learning" course was given a "real world" demonstration of Randian versus Liberal ideology via an old party game. If everyone in the group is willing to accept a moderate reward, then everyone can simply have that moderate reward. If any one person gets greedy while everyone else ...

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This isn't helping much... (Old (running) code is finally showing the cracks that made me replace it)

Have spent > 4 hours tracking down problems with the old scanner code. This code is entirely ripped out and replaced with TwistedSNMP in the new version, but the old version is what the customer is running at the moment. I was seriously tempted to just upgrade them to the new version.

I should eat some day soon... (The cupboards are bare, the license is expiring, the hard disk is missing!)

Tomorrow need to run errands before I start work. I've been out of food since early this morning (even the emergency snacks (high calorie and salt content) are gone), and my poor little tummy is going to be unhappy with me come tomorrow. It's getting back at me by expanding my shopping list (never make ...

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Widgets should be determined w/out if/elif junk (Things you know you should do right in the first place but never get around to...)

Well, mostly wound up generalising the planned-object editing system today (modulo a few hours trying to figure out what was wrong with my SNMP queries, (it was just a system mis-configuration in the end, nothing to do with my code)). Got the "choose an existing or other-new-planned" control working nicely. Whipped up a street view, ...

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