Archives Sept. 27, 2004

Philosophy lectures march on (Through the magic of a shuffling algorithms...)

As you may recall, gentle readers, I've been trying to get through a series of 50 lectures on the Great Ideas in the History of Philosophy. I did the first 35 or 40 in order, then got bogged down, so I decided to just include the lectures in the Juk player and let them show ...

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Apparently I'm too tired to think (twisted.web + authentication stymies me...)

fzZzy has been trying to help me set up twisted.cred authentication, for which (apparently) I need Nevow. I can't see how to make the security wrapper from Nevow work with the resources from twisted.web. Not a huge loss, I've only basically got 3 resources at the moment, I can convert to Nevow, but I need ...

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Sept. 26, 2004

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Sept. 28, 2004
