Archives 2004

I should eat some day soon... (The cupboards are bare, the license is expiring, the hard disk is missing!)

Tomorrow need to run errands before I start work. I've been out of food since early this morning (even the emergency snacks (high calorie and salt content) are gone), and my poor little tummy is going to be unhappy with me come tomorrow. It's getting back at me by expanding my shopping list (never make ...

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Widgets should be determined w/out if/elif junk (Things you know you should do right in the first place but never get around to...)

Well, mostly wound up generalising the planned-object editing system today (modulo a few hours trying to figure out what was wrong with my SNMP queries, (it was just a system mis-configuration in the end, nothing to do with my code)). Got the "choose an existing or other-new-planned" control working nicely. Whipped up a street view, ...

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The end of the first day (Blogging day one is finished...)

Seems like forever since I got up "this morning" and started blogging (I had a 2 or 3 hour nap around 9 or 10 pm, but not a full night's sleep). The sun is lighting up the haze now, "The Time Warp" (original cast version) is now playing over the (loud) traffic outside. The weekend ...

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Giving up on Dia (Exporting just isn't working)

What with having to reformat everything in Corel to fix the messed up sizing and fonts, there's no point to using it. I can draw freehand or use Corel directly to get results faster. Have to see how those other proggies Tim mentioned work one of these days too.

Pythius.aop, aspect-oriented toolkit (Maybe I'm missing the point...)

Aspect oriented programming is an attempt to allow for defining orthogonal aspects of an application in such way that they can be (seamlessly) woven together at run time. pythius' module provides the machinery for weaving things together (and yes, it does use a metaclass), but doesn't seem to provide global weaving functionality.

PyProtocols needs documentation... (Who am I to throw stones)

Okay, dirty little secret, PyProtocols uses metaclasses in a really extreme way. I assumed they would, and in looking, yes they do. There's rather a lack of real code being demo'd though. For instance, what does a "normal" class + interface declaration look like? Hard to tell, as the test cases are quite round-about in ...

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