Archives week 9 of 2004

March 1, 2004 - March 7, 2004

Should be re-installing I suppose (Pausing at the threshold of oblivion...)

Last night went okay; after about 8 different attempts I remembered that for some reason Win2K doesn't like disks > 30GB with Fat32, so no extra "user" space (shared with 2K and Linux) with the new drive. I reached that plateau in an installation where the next logical step commits you to the action. Now that ...

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Yay new toy! (Well, just a hard-disk, but important nonetheless)

Ken dropped off the hard-disk a few minutes ago. Suppose I should start planning how to move over to using it. However, for now, work on creating a full-plant simulator in TwistedSNMP. Then track down why we hang with > 3500 modems on a single CMTS, then do something about tomorrow's visit by mom and dad ...

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Testing can be a bit of a PITA (But it does tend to make you refactor ugly old code)

So, how does one test an entire Cable Plant with 7000 modems where the need is to test, not a few modems, but interactions with the entire system, when the system itself can't (obviously) be put into a given state at will (and, in fact, will never get back to the state you need to ...

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And there's the cmon instance back (Only 3 levels of seperation left...)

For some brain-dead reason the zopectl script doesn't take the parent environment's PYTHONPATH for the loaded Zope. Result is that the code was using the old version of the code with the new version of the database. Nice to have movement again. Though now I'm back to the "don't have the failing scanner any more" ...

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Oh, and mom and dad are coming by on Saturday (They want to visit Pearl, Rosey and I)

And grams, must phone her tomorrow to tell her. I'm told that the visit is tentative, though apparently the weather looks good for travel. I doubt you hear that much in Mexico or the Southern states "weather looks good for travel". It's a northern thing I suppose.

Deadlock broken (Yes, gentle readers, the deadlock is broken)

Finally managed to convince PostgreSQL to import an older version of the database, so I'm now working through various minor glitches (version mismatches) on my way to actually being able to determine whether the old scanner really is hosed... you know, that sounds dumb even to me. I mean, I knew it was hosed already, ...

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Think it's time to declare defeat for the night (Irresistable Mikey meets immovable bug)

I'm getting precisely nowhere with this, and the cycle of attempts is so long it's silly. There's obviously something hosed on my machine, or a bug in PostgreSQL itself. Either way, I'm not going to fix it by continually installing, wiping the database and attempting to load it.

Shane's Famous! (And he never told me...)

Was looking for Shane's web-site to add a link in another post and couldn't find one (not surprising, he's not really all that into computers, but still, you hope), but did find an article written about having tea with him. Cute little article. I never would have known about it without the almighty Google. ...

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PyTable Release while I'm screaming (Upgrading and importing, and crashing and importing, and throwing machine out window...)

Well, since the absolutely newest code needs a new feature of PyTable I decided to do a release while I was waiting. Mostly this just makes working with the DBRow objects a little more intuitive. Setting a field to NULL deletes the value, and setting a foreign-key field to a DBRow instance tries to find ...

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