Archives March 1, 2005

Seem to have lost my descriptors notes in the move to Linux (Oh well, not that hard to find projects using them...)

Continuing work on the PyCon presentation. Charged through the entire next section either writing rough text or making point-form notes. This is the section describing the post 2.2 descriptor-base projects and the ways that meta-programmers have been (ab)using them to create interesting effects.

Among those are two of my own projects. The first is the ...

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Day goes well until I get back to the question of performance (Though a bug showed up when it went live...)

Spent the bulk of the day on the counter-history download XMLRPC code. That's now working, but the silly modem-current-value code is failing due to an XMLRPC linearisation problem when run on the live system. Grr. Aside:

Really need to have a decent "trusted" Python-to-Python RPC mechanism that's Twisted and non-Twisted friendly which can just pass ...

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Hmm, did I miss the anniversary? (Sort-of, if leap years didn't count...)

Just struck me, this is March first, therefore this blog is now a year old (it was started on February 29th, 2004). 687 posts so far. Hmm, no way to scroll back through the entire archives save by going through the category links or manually editing urls. Oh well, not a lot of weighty ...

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The key to happiness is detachment from the things of this world (Or, people are better (but slower) than Bryan assumes they are...)

Somebody found and turned in the bag! While I suppose there's some "romantic" part of the population that was probably rooting for the bag's little voyage a liberte (hmm, have to figure out what I need to do to create accented characters in Linux some day), those of us who have sold out to ...

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Sleep would be good about now... (It refuses to come, so I think about encryption)

Okay, I'm sure there's some obvious reason this won't work, since it seems so obvious, and lots of people are working in this area, but it's keeping me awake, so may as well inflict it on others...

Goal: make encrypted email communication the norm.
Partial Problem: need for registration with keyservers, resolution of who is ...

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I need to write faster (Get the paper done and work on the presentation!)

Worked on the PyCon paper some more this evening (when I wasn't bumping into bugs here and there in OOo). Mostly just getting the section introducing data descriptors roughed out and doing some more work on the functions-to-non-data-descriptors generalisation.

Problem is, I still have a lot of material to cover and I'm spending entirely too ...

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Feb. 28, 2005

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March 2, 2005
