How parties were meant to be (Long, loud, full of laughter and deep conversations...)

The party for Lara's return was, IMO, a success. Lots of people, lots of people meeting new people. The coconut rice pudding worked quite well, (but I messed up the milk one as I thought it was far too wet and compensated... it was bone dry by the time it finished cooking. Oh well.) The fondue was done IMO, the proper way, with rich, dark chocolate, instead of that silly milk-chocolate stuff.

Ken showed up, which was wonderful. Every time we get together we talk for hours and hours. He went to Waterloo a few years after I was there, and knows both Mike Elmitt (my thesis advisor) and Robert Jan (one of my thesis supervisors). He's also willing to talk about architetural theory, which is, of course, my greatest conversational joy.

Simon says he's importing two of the most interesting people he knows sometime this week. He's going to try to put together some sort of gathering to introduce them to other peoples.

For tonight, probably fifteen or twenty people in total, a fairly good turnout for a school night. Very happy little event.


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