Archives Jan. 29, 2007

Another try at Sugar (Try Qemu when I get a chance)

Going to attempt to set up a Sugar development environment. The Gentoo installation stuff doesn't work any more (everything is masked out due to bugs/instability now). Apparently it'll run in a Qemu environment that allows for development work. Might be a workable solution if I can mount a directory into the image from the workstation. ...

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Gigabytes of comment spam (Annoying blaggards...)

Tim tells me that the ZODB (Zope Object Database) in which this blog is housed has grown to 12GB, largely composed of enormous amounts of comment spam. He's looking at how to shrink it down to something reasonable, but if that's the kind of spamming rate we're seeing we're going to need some way to ...

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Jan. 26, 2007

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Jan. 31, 2007
