Not quite the group I thought (Interdisciplinary group with focus on design...)

Group at the meeting today was more of a cross-disciplinary group convened to allow people to share ideas. Four talks with discussion after each, OLPC, MaRS Background, MaRS Social Innovation and a presentation from one of the MaRS incubator companies.

Seemed to generate quite a bit of interest. We have one storied physics' prof who seems very interested in contributing. Interest from a UWO researcher on doing a business-case analysis. Further meeting with Freeplay's representative (Freeplay has designed a prototype crank generator for the OLPC, for those who haven't been following that).

Going to be speaking at OCAD (Ontario College of Art and Design) on Thursday, hopefully inspire a few designers to join the project. That's in the evening, after the conference up at York (Chris Blizzard was supposed to speak up there, but had to cancel, I'm not speaking, just planning on showing up).

Speaking at the IEEE on Friday after the second half of the conference, maybe interest a few engineers there. Meeting with the MaRS folks to discuss doing a more general and larger presentation, probably in December, early next week.

All in all, a successful day, though not what I'd thought I was going into. They were far more interested in the social aspects, developmental process and the like than in the physical and UI design.


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