Archives Feb. 5, 2008

GIT is a PITA (Stupid, stupid, stupid source code control...)

ARGH! Spent the whole day working on OLPCGames. Tracked down/fixed the two major bugs that needed ASAP attention... and now I can't check them in. At some point I tried to revert a trivial change on my working directory (and of course GIT decides to include a command called revert that doesn't do a revert ...

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Gutsy Packages for Sugar Work Nicely (Don't install sugar-jhbuild at the same time, though...)

Been using the Ubuntu Gutsy packages for Sugar while working on various OLPCGames and tutorial development. So far I'm very impressed, installed perfectly, and once I blew away my sugar-jhbuild (that seemed to confuse it), I got a very functional environment for development.

At the moment this is by far the easiest path to a ...

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Feb. 8, 2008
