Archives June 6, 2011
ARB draw_instanced + ARB texture_buffer_object == Best Sphere Renderer
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As mentioned last week, the ARB draw_instanced extension allows you to draw large numbers of the same basic geometric shape with a single rendering call. However, to be useful, you need to pass in per-instance parameters which are used to customize the rendering. With the ARB uniform_buffer_object extension, you can get up to ~200-300 objects ...
jQuery Mobile + Django gets Pleasantly Out of the Way
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Have been doing quite a bit of work combining jQuery Mobile with Django for certain (internal) projects. You can set up the JQM stuff with a few lines in your template, then mostly "forget" about it while developing a regular Django form-based site (though you'll want to use HTML5 widget types). The only major things ...
No luck on GLSLDevil + PyOpenGL yet
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Hit a bug in my ARB buffer texture test-case this morning and decided to try out GLSLDevil to see what's going on in the shader (basically I seem to be getting out the wrong values from my texelFetch() calls). Long story short, while I can do a bit of hackery to get past some initial ...