Author archives: Mike

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A TwistedSNMP User! (But it's Tim, so not really an external user)

Tim's now using TwistedSNMP for another project, so finally getting some exercising outside of Cinemon. Have a few more hours before the PyGTA meeting. Probably spend it doing more Plone-docs work. Also need to see how much documenting is needed for the Archetypes Extension Types.

PyGTA meeting on Tuesday (GiveX offices, 7pm, same as the last two times)

There's to be a presentation from Jacob and Laura's company (AB Strakt), with some time left over for general questions and possibly PyCon debriefings, though there's not really all that much to relate (from me, anyway).

More details on the next-meeting page. Strange, I thought we'd set up a domain name for the ...

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3-1/2 hours wasted on Corrupted Disk (Need to buy a new one once the cheque for training clears)

Instead of getting home and spending 8 hours working on projects I wound up spending 3-1/2 hours rebuilding the computer, and 2 hours sick to death of the darn thing.

Which leaves just a couple of hours to actually do some OpenGLContext hacking. Decided to work on the "browser" component, which is the closest thing ...

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What to do with myself today? (After grams' of course)

Yesterday was mostly taken up with Taxes, day before that with writing Plone stuff. Today is my day off, so I should be working on OpenGLContext or PyOpenGL or wxoo or one of the others. I feel like working on something fun, so probably OpenGLContext. Still, more work on Plone wouldn't be a bad thing, ...

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Best practices in Plone/Archetypes Development (Monkey-see, monkey-do)

I've been thinking long and hard about how to teach Plone and realising that there really doesn't seem to be a lot of canonical descriptions of what one should do. There's some documentation on what you can do (though precious little of that, honestly), but there's very little that actually describes how to create properly ...

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Good lord this month is going slow (PyCon not even a month ago yet)

How is it possible that PyCon was less than a month ago. Heck, even this week seems to have taken a few weeks to complete. Maybe it's just that it's been almost two months since the last PyGTA meeting I was able to attend... and there's still another week and a day before the next ...

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False positives with Bayesian filter in Mozilla! (Following Murphy's law, of course)

This afternoon I got a call from Jeff, who I'm working with to offer a Python/Zope/Plone training seminar. He was just calling to confirm that I was okay with the rescheduling of the conference call from Friday to today. It was the first I'd heard of the conference call. I didn't have Jeff's email in ...

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