Author archives: Mike

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Simplifying and reducing complexity (Rendering objects into tasks...)

The "webui" system from Cinemon makes it really easy to model a system of objects rapidly, automatically generating a functional interface for manipulating those objects. However, unless you are intimately familiar with the model, it's rather difficult to work with the resulting system. Most of the redesign (beyond simply making the project look better) is ...

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There's no point in Thai food if you're not going to share (3 plates of veggie Pad-Thai is just silly)

Had a pleasant dinner conversation with Dan, XXX and two more of XXX's friends. Went to the Friendly Thai on Eglinton, which is a very nice little place to get good Thai food. However, through some weird vibe @ the start of the meal we wound up not ordering a group meal (which is the ...

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Finally got the columns working (Far too long on this...)

For the record, I wound up having to use a mechanism that works like so:
.leftcolumn {
width: 200px;
max-width: 200px;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 20;
.rightcolumn {
background-color: #ffffff;
display: block;
margin-left: 199px;

Which eliminates the rather annoying overflow in the left margin (visually it goes "under" ...

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Hey users, you can create a blog with 4 or 5 clicks of a mouse (Just in case any of you read this one some day...) provides Zope accounts on request to any of our users, so you can readily create a Zope-based blog like this one with just a few clicks of a mouse. The object to select from the Zope management interface is "CoreBlog". After adding one to your Zope folder, you're off to the races. You can ...

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The glories of web-development (Did two whole days just disappear down this silly thing's gullet?)

So, I'm almost there with the main-page UI rework. Unfortunately, IE is back to dropping the whole of the main view down below the left-side "info boxes", so totally destroys the effect. At the moment I'm using the original "tabular view" layout for the tree, with just the addition of some custom code to render ...

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Some of whatever knocked me out is lingering (Waste of time in silly unconsciousness)

Tim, Selena and myself all apparently had trouble sleeping last night. I'm still feeling sort-of out of it, which could be part of the original problem or simply a reaction to the messed up sleeping schedule. Just took a quick nap that turned into 4 hours yet didn't refresh me at all.

Well, it looks very nice in Mozilla (But IE is ignoring a lot of the CSS)

Spent the bulk of the evening working on a complete rethink of the Cinemon UI. The design is definitely showing the influence of Plone. The CSS is pretty rudimentary, but for some reason IE isn't picking up about half of the directives, which makes the design rather... less beautiful. There also seems to be a ...

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Time to consider what the EFT server does (Think I'll leave off work until Tim drops in tomorrow)

I've got most the encoding/decoding working, with minimal correctness checks, but without proper test data I'm hesitant to keep moving forward with the project. So, back to Cinemon, in preparation for getting some feedback from Bryan tomorrow.

Pleasant day all around (Grams out, coffee, and a good dinner)

Grams is out of the hospital and resting at home. Rosey and I picked her up this afternoon.

I had a very pleasant late-afternoon sitting in Starbucks with Lisa. There's something satisfying about watching a beautiful, intelligent woman thinking and explaining something about which they really care. She does this cool thing where she flares ...

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