Archives week 22 of 2004

May 31, 2004 - June 6, 2004

A woman once took issue (So of course I can't sleep thinking about it...)

A woman, on reading I felt lonely,
remarked I could not understand,
nor truly wear a lonely face.

And perhaps she was right,
I do have friends and family,
am not alone in truth, but still I think I know.

It is the pain of sitting with the one you love,
unable to touch their ...

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A woman once took issue (So of course I can't sleep thinking about it...)

A woman, on reading I felt lonely,
remarked I could not understand,
nor truly wear a lonely face.

And perhaps she was right,
I do have friends and family,
am not alone in truth, but still I think I know.

It is the pain of sitting with the one you love,
unable to touch their ...

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Once again back to ground 0 with Linux (I'm getting *so* sick of this)

Today was mostly (after a few hours of work) dedicated to yet another attempt to move from Win32 to Linux. Yet again I have been driven back to Win32 land. This time it was by an apt-get upgrade intended to install a TV-listings viewer (MythTV) failing during an upgrade of a dependency and managing to ...

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Once again back to ground 0 with Linux (I'm getting *so* sick of this)

Today was mostly (after a few hours of work) dedicated to yet another attempt to move from Win32 to Linux. Yet again I have been driven back to Win32 land. This time it was by an apt-get upgrade intended to install a TV-listings viewer (MythTV) failing during an upgrade of a dependency and managing to ...

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Scanner has been simulating for hours now (No memory leaks, and no crashes evident)

But at the current settings it could be as much as 20 minutes (in a worse-case scenario) before the scanner notices an offline low-level branch. It's currently taking ~4% of CPU, so I can likely rachet up the maximum group-ping frequency to 5 minutes or so and still have acceptable performance. Will need to work ...

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Scanner has been simulating for hours now (No memory leaks, and no crashes evident)

But at the current settings it could be as much as 20 minutes (in a worse-case scenario) before the scanner notices an offline low-level branch. It's currently taking ~4% of CPU, so I can likely rachet up the maximum group-ping frequency to 5 minutes or so and still have acceptable performance. Will need to work ...

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Harvest moon over Toronto this evening (Once in a while I glance up from the computer...)

Looks as though the problems with the scanner were being precipitated by having too many simultaneous postgresql queries. Introducing more randomness into the scanner has let it run for a few hours at a time so far. Have begun producing a trivial summary/overview in simple text which makes it possible to confirm that the scanner ...

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Harvest moon over Toronto this evening (Once in a while I glance up from the computer...)

Looks as though the problems with the scanner were being precipitated by having too many simultaneous postgresql queries. Introducing more randomness into the scanner has let it run for a few hours at a time so far. Have begun producing a trivial summary/overview in simple text which makes it possible to confirm that the scanner ...

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Coffee with Lisa (Don't play at legalese with a lawyer!)

I must admit complete and abject defeat. I sent a mock-legalese threatening letter to Lisa wrt her promise to get together and chat. Got back a perfectly formed legal document with threats of litigation, callouts on various poorly formed legal theories, etceteras (no references to case law, however). Shiver. Long and short of the harrowing ...

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Coffee with Lisa (Don't play at legalese with a lawyer!)

I must admit complete and abject defeat. I sent a mock-legalese threatening letter to Lisa wrt her promise to get together and chat. Got back a perfectly formed legal document with threats of litigation, callouts on various poorly formed legal theories, etceteras (no references to case law, however). Shiver. Long and short of the harrowing ...

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