Archives week 21 of 2005
May 23, 2005 - May 29, 2005
A better class of nightmare (Simple, direct, with inventions bonus...)
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Apparently the movie last night really affected me. Night was peppered with dreams of fighting to be respected, fighting to survive, etceteras. Of the inventions I can remember, one was a monitor for store shelves that simply records when someone breaks the plane, the other is an old invention that was getting field-tested (well, used) ...
Why am I home on a Saturday night? (This is just pitiful...)
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I keep thinking I'll sit down to work on PyOpenGL and having waves of ennui (can ennui form a wave? more of a sluggish oil-slicked wash than a wave, I guess...) wash away the desire. So, I watched "Always Outnumbered", which was perfect, because I've recently been getting a bad string of movies where they ...
Wow, a whole day on graphics (I'm so out of practice...)
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Design Theory.
One of the interesting things about design is that theory tends to be too slow as a mechanism for accomplishing it in the real world. While you could work everything out from first principles every time you wanted to place a piece of text on a sheet of paper, you'd get out-competed by the guy ...
Run Snake Run (A Python hotshot profile loading/display GUI)
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Well, as mentioned earlier (yesterday), it takes far too long to load the HotShot profiler dumps. So, I wrote my own little loader/viewer package. It processes about 70,000 records/second, which lets it load a profile fairly quickly, but it's not blazingly fast by any means.
What makes it useful/cool is that it loads the dump ...
Profile first, then optimise (Surprising what you find with actual measurements...)
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Biggest event of the day was discovering that 30% of total work in the system was being done in a __cmp__ method that was doing the equivalent of "if x is y" when everything was said and done. It appears, in the end, to have been the ultimate source of the slowdowns that I've spent ...
Wasn't I supposed to stop working back then (Look ma, hour-per-day discipline falling apart...)
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Wanted to add some debugging code to see if I could catch some bugs during the evening's operation... turned into rather a lot of bug-fixing and minor feature implementation work that bring's the day's total to some entirely improper number of hours (sorry hands). I have to stop now or I won't be able to ...
A day of iconic splendour (Mmm graphics!)
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Today was spent mostly cleaning up and extending the set of icons available in Cinemon 2.0. Nothing hugely challenging there; create a mechanism to allow for easily registering icon correspondence and another for defining an icon, then plough through and either assign or create-and-assign and icon for each major group-type in the system.
The impact ...
That day was way too long ("Finish the (major) feature" isn't a good plan for a day...)
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For some reason (likely lack of sleep and exercise) I'm extremely tense today. My shoulders and upper arms are just masses of knots, which messes up my hands as I type. Did a huge amount of work on 2.0 today, as well as a bunch of administrative stuff for the 1.0 launch (18 days and ...
Sleep eludes me (Probably just need more exercise)
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Haven't really slept well all weekend. Today was just a write-off, didn't sleep well last night and couldn't stay up for more than an hour at a time all day. Still kinda knackered.
Only work I did all day was confirming that the wrapper code for the ctypes rewrite of OpenGL can handle the common ...