Archives March 2, 2007

Not my day for networking (Locked out of the work svn server...)

Our SVN server is pretty tightly locked down using pftables so that only authorised addresses can connect to the ssh. I log into a secondary box and from there log into the SVN machine and update it if I'm away from a known IP range. But today the pf script won't update to let in ...

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Not my day for networking (Locked out of the work svn server...)

Our SVN server is pretty tightly locked down using pftables so that only authorised addresses can connect to the ssh. I log into a secondary box and from there log into the SVN machine and update it if I'm away from a known IP range. But today the pf script won't update to let in ...

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Gentoo build for OLPC developers (It will be a while... (hmm, that should be Gentoo's slogan))

We're working on doing a Gentoo-based developer's image in VMWare. This will follow the pattern I used in updating my laptop, i.e. update the Gentoo OS to include the dependencies for Sugar and then build Sugar itself on that "stable" substrate.

This is going to be a full Gentoo install, including X, Gnome and the ...

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Gentoo build for OLPC developers (It will be a while... (hmm, that should be Gentoo's slogan))

We're working on doing a Gentoo-based developer's image in VMWare. This will follow the pattern I used in updating my laptop, i.e. update the Gentoo OS to include the dependencies for Sugar and then build Sugar itself on that "stable" substrate.

This is going to be a full Gentoo install, including X, Gnome and the ...

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Feb. 28, 2007

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March 3, 2007
