Archives 2009

Fido doesn't have a single S60 phone!?

So much for getting a Python-programmable phone.  Fido has only S40 phones AFAICS.  Rogers has reasonable S60 phones, but they're $300 *with* the multi-year contract and then have to add a rather expensive plan.  I've got something like $90 in "Fido Dollars" (a measure of how much I've been suckered so far), so I can ...

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Dojo DataGrid

Spent the afternoon on Dojo Grid/DataGrid stuff.  Wound up with something that works if and only iff I use the latest svn head and I don't include it in the widgets I need to include it in.  So it seems as though in this case I'll likely be writing my own or going back for ...

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PyCon Registration Done

If you're planning on going to PyCon and want to take advantage of the early-bird rates you need to get moving.  Corporate rate is just $450 now, rising to $650 at the door.  Hobbyists can register for $250 and students for just $150.

Still need to plan the plane trip and room-sharing.

[Update] Okay, have ...

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Kubuntu Limping around the Corner

Have almost finished the replacement of Gentoo on the server/workstation with Kubuntu Intrepid.  Reasonably straightforward install.  Keyboard seems to have been mis-identified, so I don't have a down-arrow, end or home key until I reconfigure the keyboard for each login.  I've seen one crash that appeared to be the nVidia drivers not wanting to go ...

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Dependency Heck

Our main workstation/server at home has been doing "Bad Things"(TM) recently, mostly having KDE crash on login, random KDE applications crash when they were clicked, and generally sucking.

Have spent almost the whole day trying to fix it.  This is a Gentoo box, and I'm afraid we just don't use it as a workstation much ...

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(Im)Practical iPhone Application: Biometrics hacking tool

Brief discussion at PyGTA about the potential for creating useful tools for the iPhone.  So given today's press release, here's a simple iPhone application to build...

  • allow taking a picture of an authenticated user (either directly or via file transfer)
  • provides a library of faces for brute-force attacks
  • do basic image processing to manipulate ...

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Expanding Micro-Tasks are Demotivators, Communicate your Strategy

Imagine you have to wait 2 minutes before you can do something you need to get done, it's otherwise wasted time so you decide to work on some trivial task, say sweeping the floor, or washing the two or three dishes in the sink.

You start washing dishes, and someone sees you doing it.  To ...

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Little tweaks all day

Been doing minor tweaks and fixes in response to bug-reports from people testing PyOpenGL.  So far mostly changes to the test suite.  Discovered that a bzr checkout on Vista wouldn't pick up the now-bundled GLE or GLUT DLLs due to access restrictions, hopefully have that fixed now.  Seeing a GLU NURBs failure on the PRoesch ...

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RunSnakeRun Beta1 is Out

Got some time on the train home today to work on RSR.  I'm going to consider it beta 1 now.  There are some packaging fixes needed (e.g. getting the dependencies declared), but it seems basically finished as far as the code is concerned.  With wxPython installed:

easy_install SquareMap
easy_install RunSnakeRun

which should, if all the ...

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