Archives week 13 of 2009

March 30, 2009 - April 5, 2009

SimpleParse ported to Python 2.6 I guess...

As of this evening SimpleParse bzr trunk seems to be working on Python 2.6.  Weird thing is that I seem to have done the bulk of the work back in November... but I don't recall doing it.  All I did this evening was fix a couple of deprecation warnings and a problem with conflicts on ...

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Almost there, just testing left...

PyOpenGL 3.0.0 is almost out the door.  Testing is done on Linux 64-bit and all seems well.  Documentation is updated (including deprecation warnings and updated PyDoc version).  Install of the library worked on a MacBook this afternoon, but the PyOpenGL-Demo module refused to download (some SourceForge issue with a redirect). Will have to try again ...

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