Archives week 37 of 2014

Sept. 15, 2014 - Sept. 21, 2014

Eventually Text Munging Gets Nasty

So today I started into the basic command-and-control part of the Listener system. The original tack I took was to create escaped commands inside the text stream using the "typing" substitutions (the stuff that converts ,comma into ','):

some text \action_do_something more text

But that got rather grotty rather fast when looking at corner cases ...

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First-Light on Dictating Code into Eric

So as of earlier this evening I've now got the Listener service hooked up such that I can dictate code into Eric (via an Eric Plug-in talking to the service over DBus). There's still an enormous amount that doesn't work. But that first-light moment has made me rather happy; instead of a collection of little ...

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Aw, come-on QtDBus, just work already

[Update] I got it working by going down to the "connection" level and registering the callback there. The code below is updated with the working version... as of now I've got some basic "voice coding" possible, but lots more to do to make it practical and useful.

Plowing ahead with integrating Listener into Eric (my ...

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Interpretation of Dictation

Sometimes as you're developing a project it's easy to lose site of the end goal. I've spent so long on giving Listener context setup, code-to-speech converters, etc. that the actual point of the whole thing (i.e. letting you dictate text into an editor) hasn't actually been built. Today I started on that a bit more. ...

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