Poor day of work (Distractions...)

Only got a few small blocks of maybe an hour in today, rest of the day was spent in little tasks that were so small I often didn't get around to recording them in the time-tracking file. Just so many simultaneous projects going on. On top of that, yesterday's all-day meeting seems to have left me a bit fried and I wound up having to sleep for a few hours mid-day.

Anyway, I'm going to consider this day lost and head off to sleep. Tomorrow I shall rise and conquer the day (there's a VoIP project that needs to get finished and a billing project that needs to get launched).


  1. Tim Parkin

    Tim Parkin on 09/21/2007 5:11 a.m. #

    I Know exactly how you feel.. You really need a good run at coding to get anything productive done.. Little bits here and there make for a slow and unproductive day. We try to have 'no interruption' days if possible (it never works but it's sometimes better) to ensure we can get going on 'deeper' problems.. Phones should be banned also...

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