Beginning work on OpenGLContext release
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Sometimes you get discouraged about a project that you work on all the time. You think "no one uses it, so I may as well just do whatever I feel like doing". Over the years, you lose track of the idea of releasing it as a working piece of software, you just sort of think of it as a collection of sample code and tests.
Then one day you realize "hey, wouldn't it be great if people could actually *run* that sample code you're spending all that time writing?" and you start cleaning up the code-base, packaging all the dependencies and generally catching up with the long-forgotten idea of someone else wanting to work with the code.
Today has been that day for OpenGLContext. I haven't fully caught up with all the packaging issues, but in a quick test just now I was able to create a virtualenv with no site-packages or PYTHONPATH and install the whole of OpenGLContext into it from source packages (with the notable exceptions of PIL and numpy, which I symlinked in from the system packages). The downloads from SourceForge all seem broken, however, so I'll need to find out why and fix that.
Packages needed:
- PyOpenGL
- PyOpenGL_accelerate
- PyVRML97
- PyVRML97_accelerate
- SimpleParse
- TTFQuery
- fonttools
- numpy
- PyDispatcher
I'll need to do something about installing the demo/test code somewhere too, by default the setup script doesn't install them. They're a bit large though, so maybe they need to be a separate package at some point (like PyOpenGL-Demo).
Still a lot to get done, but hopefully I've got the bulk of the "housecleaning" stuff finished and I can focus on the higher-level fixes needed going forward.
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