Archives Dec. 22, 2005

Safe Across the Table

I'll never know them
But they seemed nice
Across the chips and coins
Breezing through my life
Familiar in a few moments
Cracking jokes within an hour
We shared a single night of games
Played around a coffee table
Is likely all we'll ever share
Yet something calls me to them
And I mistrust its ...

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On Nothing Being Said

The look is strange
I feel ashamed
That my words are so dull
No great truths
Laid out before her feet

I want to appologise
Sit quietly
Find something to say
To win her or win her away

Longer Every Night

The muscles around it are tense
That's why it happens
You lie down on your back
On the bed or better the floor
Try to press the small down
Touch toes and arch back
Pull your torso round and out
Digging with your heels
Stretching and twisting
'Til your forhead's on the floor
Scrabbling forward ...

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Dec. 21, 2005

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Dec. 24, 2005
