Panther Kitty

Panther kitty I want to play
Bat words between our paws
Tease them into tangled strings
Yarns to knit new stories
Beats to play new songs
Yet the audience is there
So we must leave off our play
Others share the stage this day


  1. Honey

    Honey on 02/05/2006 9:48 a.m. #

    Kitty Cat<br />
    <br />
    Kitty, sweet kitty, venture not stray<br />
    Into the Lion Pride while you’re at play<br />
    <br />
    Kitty, stealth kitty, venture come near<br />
    Taste what the Lioness Sphinx would have fear<br />

  2. Honey

    Honey on 02/05/2006 7:21 p.m. #

    shmehsheeeee :-S... :)<br />
    <br />
    Kitty Cat<br />
    <br />
    Kitty, sweet kitty, venture not stray<br />
    Into the Lion Pride while you’re at play<br />
    <br />
    Kitty, stealth kitty, venture come near<br />
    Taste what the Lioness Sphinx would have you fear

  3. Honey

    Honey on 02/05/2006 7:37 p.m. #

    <br />
    The anvil’s too good<br />
    For such wicked a pen<br />
    Will find it’s place in the furnace<br />
    Dare it betray me again<br />

  4. Honey

    Honey on 02/05/2006 7:44 p.m. #

    tttssssssssssssssss<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    ...hmm...anyone got a spare pen?

  5. Mike Fletcher

    Mike Fletcher on 02/05/2006 8:55 p.m. #

    A violent mood vents today<br />
    Attacking kitties and quill pens<br />
    Relax dear mood anger defray<br />
    Pens don't know what they write<br />
    Kitties ignore mere human plights<br />
    They'll write now as they will write<br />
    Play as they are wont to play<br />
    Be as they would any other day

  6. Honey

    Honey on 02/06/2006 12:52 a.m. #

    <br />
    ...and so he takes all my fun away

  7. Mike Fletcher

    Mike Fletcher on 02/06/2006 2:11 a.m. #

    I'm protecting you<br />
    From kittie's wrath<br />
    He's six foot something<br />
    And big at that<br />
    Little girls shouldn't play with fire<br />
    (Burning pens or smouldering tires)<br />
    These rules I make <br />
    They are to save you<br />
    It's the least that I can do

  8. Honey

    Honey on 02/06/2006 3:27 p.m. #

    Well thank you Mikey, at last he cares :-D<br />
    Or was that just self interest there :-/<br />
    So…six foot something...and built…yay!<br />
    That would only scare a boy away<br />
    Oh wait, there's more...I shouldn't play with fire<br />
    yeah well I need a spare<br />
    Pen...Ok I’ll heed your warning for today<br />
    I'm off to find some other prey...<br />

  9. pearl jefcoat

    pearl jefcoat on 02/07/2006 12:10 p.m. #

    What a joke!

  10. Pearl Faith Jefcoat

    Pearl Faith Jefcoat on 02/07/2006 12:13 p.m. #

    That is tottally hilarious, like yeah man!

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