Archives week 3 of 2006
Jan. 16, 2006 - Jan. 22, 2006
Minor tweak to the kernel a bad idea (ztdummy non-functional, whole system gone for a bit...)
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Woke up this morning to try the results of last night's last kernel recompile. I wasn't able to get zaptel running, and have been noticing that the system clock is going wildly out of sync (despite ntpd running), so I turned off the preemptive kernel switch. Oops. Every loadable kernel module became non-functional. Rebuilding the ...
Housekeeping is dangerous (Accidentally blow away my only working kernel's source directory...)
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I ran out of disk space on my "old" drive (which is where my home directory and all non-multimedia files go), so I went through and killed off the various system directories from my old Linux install (I run from the new disk now). Unfortunately, I didn't remember that /usr/src contained the last working Kernel ...
PyGTA meeting next Tuesday
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The next Toronto Area Python Users Group (aka PyGTA) meeting happens January 24th, 7pm-9pm at the Linux Caffe. Speaker is Aaron Bentley discussing his work on the Bazaar-NG Python-coded distributed Revision Control System.
Sanctuary with the Blogger's Muse
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Egads they're getting closer!
Save me gentle lady
From the murd'rous horde
Intent upon my words
I've so few left at this late hour
I must from random books implore
I scrape a few quick quips together
That holds them for a day
I leave a bit of rhyme
Sitting on their path
Hoping that ...!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->