Archives March 3, 2007

Build is underway (System upgrades first...)

Next stage in getting an OLPC developer's image is getting Gentoo updated to current from the CD image. So, I'm now building Python 2.5 (and the 20 or 30 packages it pulled in). I'll also probably have to recompile xorg (to get the Xephr server) and Gnome, so it'll be a few days still. Already ...

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Build is underway (System upgrades first...)

Next stage in getting an OLPC developer's image is getting Gentoo updated to current from the CD image. So, I'm now building Python 2.5 (and the 20 or 30 packages it pulled in). I'll also probably have to recompile xorg (to get the Xephr server) and Gnome, so it'll be a few days still. Already ...

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March 2, 2007

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March 5, 2007
