Archives November 2015

Infrastructure Failures Suck

So this morning every single VirtualBox VM refuses to load. Ever-so-helpful "there was an error" messages. I'm assuming I'm looking at a driver, libc, or similar failure from the dist-upgrade of the host this morning. Yay. This is *not* what I needed to work on this morning.

[Update] a workstation/server reboot (Egads! this is Linux, ...

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Going to try AppVeyor for building releases

Got hard-stalled trying to get the laptop configured for building all of the various versions of Python to get the binary packages released. So I think I'll try using AppVeyor to build the releases. It's free for OS projects, and it would be nice not to have to pay attention to the compiler setups any ...

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Lazy-calculated Integer Sizes Deprecated

So there's a bit of code in PyOpenGL that is now producing deprecation warnings. In essence, we have a type that is a "run-time lookup" integer. So when you have an element that is of unknown size, you lookup that value via some function. That function is often OpenGL-context-dependent. As of latest Numpy that's now ...

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Java Jokes

So I ran across a snippet of code today in a Java codebase:

additionalCommands.add(new XYZAdminClientMenuItemAdditionalCommand(START_COMMAND, "Start Cluster"));
additionalCommands.add(new XYZAdminClientMenuItemAdditionalCommand(STOP_COMMAND,  "Stop Cluster"));
additionalCommands.add(new XYZAdminClientMenuItemAdditionalCommand(MON_COMMAND, "Start Monitor the Cluster"));

which, to any Python programmer looks like someone is pulling your leg.

Here's a Java version that doesn't seem quite so crazy to a Python programmer:

protected static ...

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Embrace the Singularity: Sunday Bahen 1180

Presentation is shaping up nicely. I'm still way-over on slides (71), but that's normal for me at this stage. I'll do some ruthless cutting as I start into full read-throughs. The biggest thing that's shown up in reviews so far is that probably 15 of the slides are fodder for an hour's discussion... and we'll ...

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