Productively Networking (almost) (A few bugs fixed in olpcgames)

Either no-one has ever used olpcgames.mesh or they have all fixed a number of broken pieces individually. I fixed one show-stopping bug today that would have meant no activity could properly track the users in the channel.

Anyway, I *think* I'm going down the right path for the networking. Will see as I get the tube hooked up and figure out how to cleanly decide who should be the server for any given game (and then with what information I should instantiate that server (versus what should be built up while the server is live)). Then need to figure out how to migrate the server cleanly if we lose the original server.

Anyway, as of now, you can see the users who have joined the activity in a growing list that shows their character (currently just octy and fuzzy) along with the name (which is currently not usable due to the bug in buddy-name retrieval).

We're off to a movie with our niece and nephew, so I suppose that's all I'll get done today.


  1. Fritz Schenk

    Fritz Schenk on 12/03/2007 1:05 a.m. #

    Incredible accomplishment - Que fantastico!. Estoy ejecutando esto en Qemu y espero poder tener dos Qemu que parezcan en el 'neighborhood'. I hope to be able to induce Qemu to show a neighborhood of two.

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