To Fix Warm Words

To bring light back to this world
Requires a philosophy you have
In the past rejected out of hand
To love the universe in whole
To see the patterns playing out
Behind each troubled care-wrought face
To love them for their frailties
For their base unkempt passions
But most for their higher nature
Deep behind those dark walls
High courts where flowers bloom
Unseen past the masonry and wire
Hope and fidelity to fellow men
Purple crocuses in winter's grass
Caring and compassion budding
A wish that Winter's end is soon
The world we see with weary eyes
Is a tired, cold and wasted land
If we would warm that world
We must see past the twisted wreckage
With our fresh and unused hearts
From that first act stream the smiles
The words, and the actions to break
Sullen Winter's desperate hold


  1. Honey

    Honey on 02/22/2006 8:33 a.m. #

    <br />
    Please be patient with me teacher<br />
    While I clear the webs away<br />
    And prepare myself for the lesson<br />
    You would have for me today<br />

  2. Honey

    Honey on 02/23/2006 1:25 a.m. #

    this is my understanding of truth; <br />
    the hope for the world<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    For The Love of God<br />
    <br />
    Christ is the light<br />
    Revealer of absolute truth<br />
    I’ve read much in contention<br />
    Yet each leaves me with more proof<br />
    Though it’s not so much the proof I need<br />
    As that His truth speaks to my heart<br />
    And this is what for me <br />
    Really sets His truth apart<br />
    <br />
    The hope of the world <br />
    As I’m enabled to understand<br />
    Is not the insecurity <br />
    Of man’s weak and wavering hand<br />
    But the steadfast assurance<br />
    Of Christ’s unfailing Love<br />
    That brings to us new life<br />
    Through His living word<br />
    <br />
    To sincerely Love <br />
    Each troubled and care-ridden face<br />
    To Love them in their frailties <br />
    Is the truth that I embrace<br />
    To Love them within wisdom<br />
    And despite their unkempt passions <br />
    Emulating Christ’s gracious Love <br />
    To all who need compassion<br />
    <br />
    His Love must not be defiled<br />
    By incorporation with impurity<br />
    The debasing indulgence of self <br />
    When it disregards propriety<br />
    Especially that which would indulge<br />
    At the expense of another<br />
    To strip integrity from a cherished sister<br />
    Or innocence from a brother<br />
    <br />
    His demonstration of perfect Love <br />
    Allows me to recognize<br />
    The truth that my own heart <br />
    Contains trace of all I would despise<br />
    That I must strive to rise above <br />
    That which stands as Love’s opposition<br />
    The rampant destructive nature<br />
    Of man’s deceitful self-centered condition<br />
    <br />
    Show me a better philosophy<br />
    Than that of the living Christ<br />
    Who being in very nature God<br />
    Would sacrifice his life<br />
    That we might see and acknowledge<br />
    Selfishness harboured within each heart<br />
    That would betray and kill the innocent<br />
    The brother who still His Love would impart… <br />
    …From His hung open <br />
    nailed<br />
    bloodied<br />
    weakened <br />
    pained<br />
    and Loving arms<br />
    <br />
    Luke 23:34 Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, <br />
    for they do not know what they are doing."<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    The Son<br />
    <br />
    His Love is as the sun<br />
    Shining down upon the earth<br />
    Warming each small seed of thought<br />
    Bringing to it birth<br />
    Nurturing its growth <br />
    Until it reaches seed<br />
    Some drop back to sow the bed<br />
    Others on a summer breeze<br />
    Are caught up in the air<br />
    Ushered into flight<br />
    Spreading out to grow anew <br />
    All reaching for the light<br />
    <br />
    When our garden is kept clear of weeds<br />
    The way is free for light from above<br />
    And we will thrive when we live<br />
    Basking in His Love<br />
    <br />
    Luke 1:78-79<br />
    because of the tender mercy of our God, <br />
    by which the rising sun will come to us from<br />
    heaven to shine on those living in darkness<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    The Wonder Of Snow - 10.1.06<br />
    <br />
    ’I stared up into the huge flakes of snow’<br />
    Flakes whose points face six directions<br />
    Matching those on a Star of David<br />
    And I wondered of the significance<br />
    Snow blankets the world in white<br />
    Hiding the death of winter’s sting<br />
    And with it's washing away in spring time<br />
    New life our golden star rays bring<br />
    To reveal a world that was only sleeping<br />
    <br />
    All hail the King<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    now, how do we differ?<br />

  3. Mike Fletcher

    Mike Fletcher on 02/28/2006 11:22 p.m. #

    Here's the post that stops me<br />
    From posting in return<br />
    Too close to hearts to treat<br />
    With my ham-fisted hand<br />
    I do not share the view<br />
    You know that to be true

  4. Mike Fletcher

    Mike Fletcher on 02/28/2006 11:33 p.m. #

    So here's the crux<br />
    I feel no love from above<br />
    But much from all around<br />
    <br />
    I see open hearts accepting<br />
    Giving hope and sharing love<br />
    Seeking truths profound<br />
    <br />
    Absolutes and universals<br />
    Seem built on fragile sand<br />
    And judgments fall in waves<br />
    <br />
    I see man as our great truth<br />
    That man should follow through<br />
    Our measure and our staves<br />
    <br />
    Still it's no great conflict<br />
    We both prefer the noble aspect<br />
    I just accept the other face<br />
    <br />
    To me it is entwined with us<br />
    As blood to beating heart<br />
    A vehicle that gets us home<br />
    <br />
    I wish we mastered it<br />
    But not that we it killed<br />
    It's part of who we are<br />
    Our souls are double filled

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