The Italian Job and Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Flicks in the field)
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Just got back from the free movie night at U of T. Rather a large crowd for the early show (The Italian Job, which honestly wasn't that spectacular a movie), much smaller for the late show. Was good to see Natasha, but had one of those moments; you know, the one where the woman is obviously wanting to be held, but not by you, so you just sit there with little knives poking into your gut to rebuke you for possibilities long lost.
Dawdled on the way home from seeing her home, mostly just thinking... I tend to get a little melancholy after seeing her. Stupid, I know, she's long since moved on, but it still seems like a perfect pairing ruined by the silliest of things. Oh well.
[Edited] Found a weird note on the door. Eventually figured out what it was all about. Sigh.
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