Magritte and chocolate and music (Wandering about Toronto...)

Michelle cancelled for the Plasticised People exhibit, so I spent the day at the library. Nothing really exciting that way, picked up a new book to read and a "Pocket Magritte" to flip through.

Magritte is one of those painters I feel ambivalent about; some of his work is playing with interesting ideas, but for the most part it feels commercial, like he stopped thinking right about the point he figured he could sell the result. I sat in the cafe reworking a few of the pieces, taking them as a first movement and seeing what could be done to make them feel more satisfying.

As planned Carole dropped in, introduced her to Chantico (Starbuck's powdered chocolate in steamed water drink) as we chatted. Eventually we headed over to the club. I'd been imagining an intimate venue with 20 or 30 seats. It was actually a mid-size club with a few hundred patrons and empty space in the corners. Anyway, talked for a while and then danced the bulk of the night away.

Turns out that I'm not a huge fan of Brazillian music... or rather, I like it, but not for the whole night's dancing. It's something like Persian dancing that way, I like dancing to it for a few songs, but without a switch-up in beat, rhythm or instrumentation it starts to get a little dull.


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