Archives week 20 of 2006

May 15, 2006 - May 21, 2006

Ever so minor movement on StarMail (Getting the basic record-to-file-then-move-to-directory stuff working)

Around a nap I spent the afternoon and evening playing with StarPy and StarMail. Not a huge advance, just getting the code set up to allow for recording messages in such a way that they only show up after they are complete (and are deleted if the caller cancels).

Anyway, going to watch Stargate Atlantis ...

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Where did today go? (Naps time-warp the day to naught...)

Looking out the window it appears that today must have been gorgeous... wish I'd been up for some of it. I'm trying to decide whether to write or play with TurboGears this evening. I probably should write, but if I go for TurboGears we'll have a topic for PyGTA on Tuesday.

I really need to ...

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Finishing off the evening with a little light reading (How to start a business in Ontario...)

Have been spelunking through the various government websites that describe the process of setting up a corporation in Ontario. Whee! Looks like about a week or more to get the whole edifice in place with the ability to pay salary, collect taxes, track expenses and otherwise operate reasonably. Anyway, enough of that for tonight. I ...

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The benefits of hindsight (How I would have designed it had I known...)

I've been sitting here obsessively re-modelling the VoIP control application on paper. Various changes to the spec over the last month or so mean that, were I to start over again today I would have gone for a far more formalised and generic model.

Instead of trying to fit into an existing system (an original ...

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Moving forward (Leaps off small businesses...)

Effective the end of May I'll be resigning from VexTech, where I've worked for the last 3 years. It's an amicable exit, I just need more space in which to move.

Most likely I'll be starting my own company and trying to build that into a small contract programming business to run alongside my eventual ...

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I'm Pretty Sure

I'm pretty sure this is where I should be scared
Standing on the precipice about to leap
Yet deciding has a way of freeing the heart
Quickening the blood for the coming battles
In the long quest today I shall begin
Gazing over the lands below I stretch
Long folded wings creaking with disuse
As ...

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A Woman to Desire

There is a woman to desire
I might say to you some day
Pointing to a plain-looking girl
With mousy hair not-quite fixed
Glasses perched upon her nose
A clutch of books upon her chest

Look, I might say leaning forward
How her mind pokes at the world
Without ego to cloud its vision
See ...

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