New release of PyOpenGL is out (PyOpenGL-Demo too...)

Took the bulk of the day off today to get the next release of PyOpenGL out the door. I've re-enabled the numarray support, using the same underlying library as for the Numeric support (i.e. no binary modules). I've also stripped out the "Demo" directory and made a separate egg for that so that projects that just want to include the code don't have to strip out the Demo to get it done.

Don't have a Win32 or OSX machine handy on which to test. Install does work on a Kubuntu Linux machine, though. Anyway, for the vast ravening PyOpenGL hordes:
easy_install -U PyOpenGL

Should update to the latest version.


  1. Ian Ozsvald

    Ian Ozsvald on 02/15/2007 7:11 p.m. #

    Would anyone in the PyOpenGL group be interested in showing off the power of the project via some ShowMeDo tutorial videos?<br />
    I'd love to see a visual demo of it in action, I've never had the time to sit down and play with it. We'd love to help popularise the bigger Python projects.<br />
    If the idea is interesting, I'd be happy to lend a hand with making the screencast (and the tools, and hosting, are all free!).<br />
    Regards,<br />
    Ian Ozsvald (co-founder of ShowMeDo)<br />
    ian AT showmedo . com

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